SID's Work in Food Systems, Nutrition and Agroecology

Food security and nutrition is a key area of interest and engagement for SID both at local and global policy level. We work within the framing of food justice, with a special focus on the agroecological transformation of food systems, the promotion of sustainable and healthy diets as public goods, and the challenges associated with the increasing pace of digitalization and financialization of food.

Such interest builds on and leverages SID longlasting experience and previous work on food and nutrition, notably through the facilitation work towards Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2) in 2014, and its follow up. SID’s vision when engaging in such areas is one of food sovereignty and gender equality,  acknowledging agroecology as the true transformative pathway for food systems and sustainable livelihoods.

SID remains committed to devote its research and policy dialogue activities to reflect and analyse the challenges facing food, nutrition and agriculture today.

SID is an active participant within  the Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples’ Mechanism (CSIPM) for relations with the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) and is part of the Coordination Committee of the  CSIPM on behalf of the NGO constituency. SID contributes to the CSIPM through its facilitation role for several of the CSIPM’s Working Groups, including the Global Food Governance Working Group and the Women and Gender Diversities’ Working Group.

Latest Resources and Events

Overview of the most problematic aspects of the CFS Voluntary Guidelines on Food Systems and Nutrition