East African Scenarios Research Compendium
This Compendium presents the output of a research process which started at the very beginning of the East African Scenarios Project in February 2005 when a group of 40 East Africans met to brainstorm, identify and discuss the major challenges and opportunities facing the region as it sought to consolidate and expand economic, social and ultimately political integration through the East African Community.
It was quickly apparent that the diversity of histories, contexts, problems and experiences that individual East African countries had gone through were fundamental to an understanding of the motivation - official and popular - for regional integration. It was also clear that an understanding of the prospects for successful regional integration, and more broadly, the future welfare of East
Africa's people required deeper research and reflection on the nature, status and underlying forces shaping the East African region.
The following four major thematic areas emerged as a neat way to organise this reflection:
- The People of East Africa (origins and identities)
- Institutions
- The Regional Economy
- East Africa and the World