The State of East Africa Report 2012: Deepening Integration, Intensifying Challenges

The report provides a detailed and data-driven analysis of the region's key developments, building on the foundation laid by the 2006 edition. It has four key objectives, each serving a distinct purpose in examining the region’s trajectory and sparking meaningful discussions about its future:

  1. Inform: Present data on social, economic, political, cultural, and technological changes in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi, making it accessible for decision-makers and the public.
  2. Provide Insight: Analyze the data to uncover trends, narratives, and challenges, focusing on regional integration and underlying forces.
  3. Encourage Imagination: Foster creative thinking about how current trends might shape East Africa’s future, examining both long-term continuities and potential disruptions.
  4. Facilitate Engagement: Support discussions on regional integration with evidence and analysis, aiming to enhance debate and advocacy without prescribing specific actions.

The report is meant to open, encourage and inform conversations about the way in which regional integration is proceeding and what it means for ordinary people’s lives.

The State of East Africa Report Series

The State of East Africa Report Series carries on the objective of providing new information, new insights and unlocking our collective imagination to contribute to an East Africa Community that is truly people centred.