As lenders and as borrowers, the private sector plays an integral part in the current debt architecture. What does this mean to debt justice campaigners pursuing system-changing solutions and deep, wide debt cancellation? Do they generate illegitimate debts? What steps do we need to take?
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This State of East Africa Report 2008 presents a snapshot of the status of the region's water, food production, and energy resources.
This eight edition in the series The State of East Africa Report provides a comprehensive analysis of inequalities in the region, exploring the political economy, ethical foundations, and intergenerational impacts, supported by data and expert insights to propose policy solutions for equitable regional development.
This is the political declaration endorsed by the Africa-wide Conference on 'Inequalities in the context of Structural Transformation’, convened by the Government of Ghana in collaboration with many African and international partner organizations in April 2014.
The State of East Africa 2013, as a follow-up to the State of East Africa 2012 and part of the State of East Africa report series, seeks to examine the trends that have taken place in the context of inequality and equity across time in the region.
This publication presents monetary measures of inequality such as expenditure patterns of groups and non-money metric measures of inequality in important livelihood parameters like employment, education, energy, housing, water and sanitation to show the levels of vulnerability and patterns of unequal access to essential social services at the national, county and constituency levels.
The State of East Africa 2012 report builds on its 2006 predecessor by analyzing key social, economic, political, and environmental trends in the region, providing insightful data-driven comparisons across countries, and encouraging informed discussion on the region's future integration and development.